Join the MYSP
Audition Process
2025-2026 Audition Information
MYSP Auditions for the 2025-2026 season will be held on Saturday, May 24th & Sunday, May 25th.
If a student is unavailable to audition on May 24 and 25, video auditions will be accepted. The MYSP also holds auditions in August for the 25-26 season (date TBD).
Complete the online Audition Registration Form form by Sunday, May 11th.
Upon completion of the Audition Form, please submit the $25 nonrefundable Audition Fee here (students who pay without registering first will not be given an audition slot).
Downloadable requirements and music can be found here.
If you have any questions, please email executivedirector@myspmusic.org
Financial Commitment
2024-2025 Season Tuition Fees
Youth Symphony & Repertory Orchestra: $600 (Fall $300, Spring $300)
String Orchestra: $500 (Fall $250, Spring $250)
Intermezzo Orchestra: $400 (Fall $200, Spring $200)
Prelude Strings: $400 (Fall $200, Spring $200)
Concert Band: $450 (Fall $225, Spring $225)
Spring Wind Ensemble: $300
All fees are nonrefundable. The MYSP is happy to offer financial assistance to families that demonstrate need. Details will be made available after acceptance into the program. No accepted student will be turned away due to inability to pay. *All fees are subject to change each year*
Don’t take our word for it. Listen to Staff and Students explain why they love belonging to the MYSP.
Who is eligible to audition?
String instrument candidates through the 12th grade; Wind Ensemble candidates must be at least in the 8th grade, Concert Band in the 7th grade by Fall 2025. All new and returning students are required to audition for the 25-26 season.
Which group is the right level for me?
Age and grade level varies in MYSP ensembles. The number of years you’ve played, daily practice, and private lessons make a big difference in experience levels. Players should seek advice from their private teachers and school music teachers regarding their current skill levels and audition requirements. You can can also look at the audition requirements and determine what group seems like the appropriate level for you. Please indicate on your audition registration form which ensembles(s) you would like to perform.
Financial Aid
MYSP strives to be a pay what you can organization
The MYSP is proud to offer financial aid to any family with need. We strongly believe that cost should never be a barrier for those with talent and desire.
Talent Scholarships
A full tuition scholarship opportunity for African American and Latin X students
In an effort to diversify the future of classical music, the MYSP is proud to provide a Talent Scholarship opportunity for any African American or Latin X student who auditions for and is accepted into an MYSP ensemble.